
Monday 24 November 2014

The Beauty of Edwardian Engagement Rings Is Outstanding

If you are looking for an engagement ring for your fiancĂ©e, Edwardian rings are the most exquisite types of rings you will ever find. The style of the rings is referenced to the time that King Edward was on the throne. During his period, jewels were discovered and a new design was introduced where they start using platinum to strengthen the rings. This is among the most toughest and durable materials on earth. Even today, some of the rings still have platinum on them. The detail on Edwardian engagement rings is so unbelievable that during a time where there were no advanced machines. Whether its diamonds they use is or other gemstones like pearls, the final finish of the ring is always lovely. The rings are handmade. This means that they are very light, and a lot of room is available for the diamonds. What’s not to love about this ring?

The Origin of Edwardian Rings

Early 20th century is when Edward, the son of Queen Victoria took the throne as the King of England. This is the period when war was rampant all over the world and metal fabrication was common. Use of metals like platinum in making weapons and other gadgets lead to its use in jewelry. This enabled craft Smith to put intricate detail on diamond. This was a new method of decoration compared to what people were accustomed. Edwardian engagement rings are unique and bring out the femininity. The rings are rare because their production ended abruptly when the First World War started. All the platinum was directed for war purposes and so none was left for people to make rings with them. This is one of the reasons that Edwardian rings are so scarce.

Buying an engagement ring for your future wife is a once in a lifetime thing, you cannot be engaged to your wife more than once. This is the best way to show your love and care to her by purchasing the most rare and beautiful ring on this planet. I guarantee you she will immediately fall in love with the ring. Do not be blinded by the name or style of the rings, they are very much affordable by ant person, including you. All you need to do is too look for the ring that you feel is the best. The rings have to bring out the feeling of being traditional and stylish at the same time.